Posts about Labor Law (10)

#CostaRica 🇨🇷 #LaborAlertBDS: Extension of the Effective Period Authorizing the Reduction of Workshifts in Light of the Declaration of National Emergency

Yesterday, Bill No. 22.265 “Extension of the effective period authorizing the reduction of workshifts in light of the Declaration of National Emergency” was approved in second discussion. This new law adds a transitory section to Act 9832, which allowed employers to reduce workshifts and the corresponding salaries in order to maintain employment agreements to the extent they provide evidence to the Ministry of Labor of economic harm. This...

#CostaRica 🇨🇷 #ArticlesBDS: Major considerations to avoid discrimination at work

Our Labor Code (LC) has always included provisions intended to protect and avoid discrimination...

#Panama 🇵🇦 #LaborAlertBDS: Executive Branch Orders Suspension of Utility Payments and Reaches an Agreement with Panama’s Bank Association

On May 04, 2020, the President of the Republic enacted Bill No. 295 referring to the payment of...

#DominicanRepublic 🇩🇴 #LaborAlertBDS: Updated COVID-19 Measures Adopted in Dominican Republic

On May 17, 2020 the following Presidential Decrees were enacted:

#CostaRica 🇨🇷 #ArticleBDS: On-Site Worker Vs. Technology

The so-called “Fourth Industrial Revolution” is based on the Digital Technology Revolution as...

#Panama 🇵🇦 #LaborAlertBDS: Temporary suspension of the effects of employment agreements has been extended and other provisions enacted

Executive Decree No. 95 dated April 21, 2020 was published in Official Gazette No. 29007-C...