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#CostaRica 🇨🇷 #BDS_Article: Poor Work Performance: How to Address It Correctly

Companies frequently encounter situations where an employee fails to meet the expected performance level. While fluctuations in productivity are normal, when poor performance becomes consistent and affects business operations, it is essential to address the issue in a structured manner.

#CostaRica 🇨🇷 #BDS_LaborAlert: Ruling from the Constitutional Chamber Affects Provisions of the Law on Strengthening Public Finances

Recently, judgment 2025-008201 was announced by the Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court of...

#CostaRica 🇨🇷 #BDS_Article: Immigration Penalties for the Irregular Employment of Foreign Nationals

When companies conduct recruitment processes, it is common for them to interview foreign candidates...

#DominicanRepublic 🇩🇴  #BDS_Informs: Congress Reactivates Debate on Social Security Reform

The House of Representatives has established a bicameral commission to analyze the proposed social...

#CostaRica 🇨🇷 #BDS_Article: The Ongoing Struggle for Gender Equity in the Workplace

On the occasion of International Women's Day, I feel honored to write this article as a reflection...

#ElSalvador 🇸🇻 #BDS_LaborAlert: Update on the Ministry of Labor Service Fees

According to a recent publication in the Official Gazette, the Ministry of Labor and Social...

#Panama 🇵🇦 #BDS_Migration Alert:  Modification to the Stay Permit for Foreign Nationals with SEM Visas Whose Employment Relationship Has Ended

Desde el año 2011, se estableció, en nuestro país, el derecho para los ejecutivos extranjeros de...

#CostaRica 🇨🇷 #BDS_LaborAlert: New Rules on Remote Work from Abroad – What Employers Need to Know

On March 5, 2025, the Legislative Assembly approved, in its second discussion, Bill No. 23.528,...

#CostaRica 🇨🇷 #BDS_Alert: Deadline for Independent Workers to Benefit from Debt Statute of Limitations Expires on May 8

The two-year period granted by Act No. 10.363 for independent workers who are not registered with...

El Salvador 🇸🇻 #BDS_Article: The Complex Nature of Transnational Employment – A Challenge for Employers

The legal challenges and complications arising from transnational employment—where employees work...