#Honduras 🇭🇳 #BDS_LaborAlert: Amnesty for the Elderly in Honduras

Recently, in our country, Legislative Decree 59-2023 was enacted and published in the Official Gazette No. 36,460. This significant decree establishes an amnesty for the elderly in Honduras.

Furthermore, this decree introduces provisions aimed at protecting and benefiting our senior citizens, recognizing their valuable contribution to society, and ensuring their well-being in this stage of life. Among the measures adopted by Legislative Decree 59-2023, the following additions stand out:

  • Elderly of the fourth age: Defined as a person who has reached 80 years or more. This designation acknowledges the importance of providing specialized care and attention to our oldest senior citizens.

  • Beneficiaries: Refers to Honduran citizens aged eighty (80) and above, as well as retirees who reach this age, regardless of their status or situation determined by public or private social security institutions. This provision ensures that all eligible senior citizens receive the corresponding benefits, regardless of their work or health history.

With this decree, the Government of Honduras ratifies its commitment to the well-being and dignity of our elderly population, celebrating the implementation of these measures aimed at both improving their quality of life and protecting their fundamental rights.

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