#CostaRica 🇨🇷 #BDS_LaborAlert: The Transfer of the Celebration of July 25th for this Year is Annulled

Through Act 10.438, an amendment has been introduced to the second paragraph of Article 148 of the Labor Code, as well as to the sixth paragraph of its transitory provisions. This amendment aims to commemorate the annexation of the Nicoya Section into Costa Rica by celebrating it on the corresponding date.

This sole article of the law amends the aforementioned second paragraph of Article 148, which establishes the mandatory nature of civic and educational activities on July 25th and October 12th as statutory commemorations nationwide in all schools, excluding October 12th as a holiday. Likewise, the celebration of July 25th on its original date is ensured, without the possibility of being moved to other days of the week.

On the other hand, the transitory provision concerning Article 148 specifies that the holiday corresponding to April 11, 2024, will be moved to the immediately following Monday, establishing temporary provisions related to the implementation of this amendment.

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