#CostaRica 🇨🇷 #LaborAlertBDS: Observance of holidays on Mondays

Labort Alert Costa Rica-1
Congress approves another version of bill in first debate.
Unanimously, the Legislative Assembly approved in first debate a bill to move the observance of 2020-2024 holidays to their corresponding Mondays.
With 49 votes, the parliament passed a substitute text that addresses adding an amendment to Article 148 of the Labor Code and the July 25 (Annexation of Nicoya Day) and August 15 (Mother’s Day) holidays of 2020 may be observed on the first Monday after the holiday.
In the case of September 15 (Independence Day) and December 1 (Army Abolition Day) of 2020, these would be observed on the Monday prior to the holiday (September 14 and November 30).
Moreover, the holidays corresponding to the 1st of May and the 25th of July of 2021 shall be observed on the first Monday after each holiday (May 3 and July 26); and the holidays corresponding to the 15th of September and the 1st of December of 2021 shall be observed on the Monday immediately before each holiday (September 13 and November 29).
Regarding 2022, the holidays corresponding to the 13th of September and the 1st of December of 2022 shall be observed on the Monday immediately after each holiday (September 19 and December 5).
About 2023, the holidays corresponding to the 11th of April (Battle of Rivas), 25th of July, and the 15th of August shall be observed on the Monday immediately before each holiday (April 10, July 24, and August 14). 
Finally, in 2024, the holidays corresponding to the 11th of April, 25th of July, and the 15th of August of 2024 shall be observed on the Monday immediately after each holiday (April 15, July 29, and August 19).
Official commemoration activities corresponding to the aforementioned holidays for the specified dates, when applicable, shall be carried out on the exact date of the holiday.

Please contact us at digital@bdsasesores.com if you have any questions, specifying the country of your inquiry.

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